Claralys is an online sales site of SARL Mont Blanc Spas, whose registered office is located at 77 rue Arsène Poncet, 74190 Passy, France. SARL Mont Blanc Spas, with a capital of €400,000, is registered with the Bonneville Trade and Companies Register (74) under number 504 255 704.

Intellectual property

The content, including texts, model numbers, illustrations, photographs, logos and presentations and any other component of this site are strictly reserved under copyright as well as under intellectual property and are therefore the exclusive property of Mont Blanc Spas. The same applies to the database contained on the website. The Claralys website is protected by the French intellectual property code, and more generally by international treaties and agreements containing provisions relating to the protection of copyright. You must not reproduce in whole or in part, sell, distribute, emit, publish or communicate in any form whatsoever the data or works protected by copyright that appear on this website without the specific prior written permission of the holder of the copyright attached to the work or data reproduced. (Chapter V – Articles L.335-1, L.335-2, L.335-3, and L.335-4 of the ICC)


Company name: : SARL Mont Blanc Spas
Name of the manager, and the director of the publication: : Simon Mawby
Headquarters, offices and filing: 77 rue Arsène Poncet, 74190 Passy, France

Phone : +33(0)482.533.689
E-mail :
Website :
Opening hours of the switchboard: from Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Intra-Community VAT number: : FR35 504 255 704.
SIRET : 504 255 704 00026

Site hosting

OVH, 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France




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